Hillsong United - Hosanna

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Me being - Troubled

troubles troubles troubles.

who doesnt have them? mean, at one point or another they will be invade your peaceful lives and make u wanna tear your hair out.
or they may just make your hair turn all white.

well. but people, the main point is not to focus in your problems. but instead look at how you try to overcome them.

and yes, sometimes there are problems that there's no solution to, no answer that can solve.
this is when god comes in. for he is someone who i can find peace in, someone who is there willing to hold my hand and guide me through my problems.

but back to the topic.

everyone will definitely find an outlet. be it watching tv, crying, playing games etc.
but i feel that this are all temporary outlets. at the end of the day, u'll sleep. and when u wake up, the troubles will haunt you again.

therefore, i feel that people should face their problems. not to brood over it. but to face it. and face the fact that sometimes things are just the way they are and there's not a bloody thing you can do about it.

but this are all words. its all easier to say than to do.
which is why i'm struggling with the way i'm living now. but i am learning to accept things.

are you??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To face a problem head on needs alot of strength and as always people tend to escape and just live on in denial..but by saying that you are learning to accept things shows the first step of being in control of your emotions :p Don't forget to keep growing cause there's so much more space for it....Till the next coffee shop meeting..haha peace