Hillsong United - Hosanna

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Me being - ME!!! "what you've gotta say? get off my back!!"


pls get off my back. stop pushing me around. whats it with you?
just live your own life. let me live mine. aite? fair enough??

i do not want to be like you. whats wrong with being myself??
so what? why can't everyone be peaceful? why must we care just for ourselves?
whats wrong with caring about others? why must you be so selfish?

just because we are of the same kind does not really mean that we have to act the same.

i am me, you are you. get that?

and you, just because you're there longer than me, what rights does it make u command me around. classless.

just because you're here longer than me does not necessarily make you 'bigger' than me in terms of stature.

so pls, get off my back. you don't deserve the rights to make me do ur shit work.

if this doesn't register into your head pls read my title again. i am ME. not you.
i love it this way...

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