Hillsong United - Hosanna

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Me being - infected with lovephobia

well, some of you, when you read this post might be thinking to yourself. what exactly is lovephobia??

if you split it up it is actually love phobia. its what i define as someone who quits easy on a relationship.

for example, you like this person right? and you're dying to confess to her what you feel inside like a volcano waiting to erupt. but before you tell her anything, u'll start to have second thoughts and in the end, the fear of rejection finally made u quit before even approaching her to tell her how u feel.

yea, thats something that i have actually, i am to a certain extent afraid of showing. because i'm afraid. i'm so scared that things are destroyed because of this little action that i made.

isn't this how friendship become weaker? isnt this how close different gender friends start to stay adrift of each other?

yes, i am afraid of the word L-O-V-E.
due to past experiences being in and out of relationships.

i have a friend who likes to say that relationships are very troublesome. and i'm beginning to agree with what he said.

well the verdict's out. :)

anyways some of u who noticed, i've posted 2 blogs with minutes spacing each blog entry.
yea, haha. i guess i just have the inspiration to type.

den out.

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