Hillsong United - Hosanna

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Me being - in my last day of boyhood.

well. today didnt start off very well.
as a matter of fact i didnt had a very great sunday as well.

thats not the point.
no point dwelling in troubles and problems one would say.

anyways. what i did was just some packing up of things and some last minute prep.
packing and stuff.

i didnt write in my journel yesterday. i was so confused and angry with God.
i never understood Him sometimes when He do what He do.
yet i'd be lying if i said that i hate Him.
in fact i love Him. and i'm starting to understand how He feels when we betray Him and do as we please with sins and everything.
because what i've been through i know how it feels to love and not be loved back.
which is how God feels.
just multiply it by gazillions and u can see how much pain He is suffering.
yesterday i tripped.
but i pray that as i go through my day today, God will forgive me and that He'll make things easy for my heart to take.
I dont really wanna go in feeling depressed and stuff.
haha. picture this: a bald, mucho dark emotional guy.

anyways, for those who are reading this entry, i thank you for taking ur time.
i pray that you people will stop hurting God.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Me being - the eldest in the family

yup. i have 2 younger brothers but actually thats not what i wanna talk about.
i'm going to NS in one week and one day's time.

i'm not hyped up for it. neither am i feeling scared about it.
i'm just. Ok lor.

guess it'll be like going for a camp with hundreds of other guys.
all without hair.
and the good thing is i'm going to be paid a couple hundred dollars a month.
the most since i worked full time at a restaurant once where i earned 800 bucks plus 200 CPF. haha.

so yea. guys if you wanna see me at my best looking state, u better ask me out this week. haha.
call me.